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. Is it permissble to follow a scholar's Ijtihaad after knowin | Madrasatuna | مدرستنا

. Is it permissble to follow a scholar's Ijtihaad after knowing that he was mistaken in his Ijtihaad?

Shaykh al-Uthaymeen rahimahullah said: "This is an issue that some of the students of knowledge are heedless of, they say he is upon Ijtihaad and that he has a reward for his Ijtihaad, so we say yes! This is in relation to him (the scholar), as for you then if it becomes clear to you (that he was mistaken) then it is Waajib to oppose him." [Sharh on Sharhus Sunnah, page 147-148, print: ar-Rushd]

Likewise, Imaam Adh-Dhahabee rahimahullah said: "Whoever follows the rukhas (allowances) of the madhabs and the mistakes of the scholars of Ijtihaad, then his religion has become weak." [Siyar a'alaam an-Nubalaa (8/90)]

Also, Imaam Ash-Shinqeeti rahimahullah said: "The assumption of some of the blind followers that they will be excused if they are mistaken just as their imam (is excused due to his Ijtihaad)…this is a false, wrong assumption, because the Imaam that they blindy followed made an effort to learn (the correct ruling from) the book, the Sunnah of his Messenger, the opinions of the Sahaabah and their religious verdicts." [Al-Jam'iyyah Harakah bilaa barakah page 100]