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. The Meaning of 'Ijtihad' and 'issues of Ijtihaad' Ijtihaa | Madrasatuna | مدرستنا

. The Meaning of 'Ijtihad' and 'issues of Ijtihaad'

Ijtihaad literally is to strive and exert one's effort to reach the truth.

Shaykhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah said: "What's correct is that issues of Ijtihaad are issues where there is no proofs clearly obliging one to act upon that, such as a saheeh hadeeth which has nothing opposing it from its like, thus it becomes permissible to excercise Ijtihaad therein due to the proofs being similar (in type) while (apparently) being in opposition to each other, or due to the proofs being unclear." [Al-Fatawaa al-Kubraa (96/6)]

Similarly, Imaam Taqee'udeen Muhammad Al-Maghribi Al-Hilaali rahimahullah said: "The blind followers' repetition of the word Ijtihaad is a deception and a form of ignorance, for verily Ijtihaad applies only when judging between disputing parties in matters where there is no [Divine] text. Therefore the judge excercises Ijtihaad and judges between the disputing parties with his opinion while saying as Abdullah ibn Mas'uud said: 'If it is correct then it is from Allah and if it is wrong then it is from me.' And if it becomes clear to him after that that he was mistaken in his judgment, he has to annul his previous judgment and judge with what is correct…Whoever is not a judge or a mufti should not excercise Ijithaad, rather he follows what Allah has sent down upon his Messenger, and that is sufficient and a remedy for him…" [As-siraaj Al-muneer page 26, print: al-Kitaab was Sunnah]