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xGO has made several important announcements They are prep | X Daily Telegram

xGO has made several important announcements

They are preparing the first exclusive NFT #1 for the NFT auction, the first released NFT will include many useful features both in the xGO app and when receiving rewards.

xGO currently in talks with future xGO ambassadors.

They are preparing to launch a marketing program.

First they will do SHO (Strong Holders Offering) for early investors.

In the fourth quarter, in December, xGO will hold an IDO. Their IDO will be supported with liquidity by one of market maker partners. They also have the task of listing on CEX after the IDO, they are already in negotiations.

Also in December xGO app will appear on AppStore and GooglePlay

And we remind you that you can take part in the xGO invite context and get the opportunity to win up to 100,000 xGO worth 1000 USD (at the IDO price).

Just follow the link below and do a few simple steps
