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ㅤㅤ✦ QUINCIAS La casa delle regine ㅤ ───── | Quincias: “Schoonheid—Eeuwig”

La casa delle regine ㅤ

۪۪‌ᰰ #𝐍𝐔𝐍𝐙𝐈𝐀

Saluti reali a tutti gli amanti e sostenitori là fuori! Today, Desember 31st, 2021 all of The queens of Quincias have agreed to dissolve Quincias due to the busyness of the admins who can no longer operate Quincias properly. Therefore, it is with a heavy heart that we decide this.

Thank you to all of you who have accompanied and been a part of Quincias until the end. Especially Quincy (members), Team, and our Partnership. We have received a lot of love, support, and help and we really appreciate it all. We hope that happiness will always be present for everyone. Thank you and see you in the future! We love you all of the time. Arrivederci.

── ℭodiali Saluti,
Quincias Official.