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Our Father in Heaven, Thank you for watching over us, keeping | Patriot Prayer Warriors

Our Father in Heaven,
Thank you for watching over us, keeping us close to your heart. Keep those who are confused, hoodwinked or misled under your watch. Shake away the spell over them, tear down the strongholds the enemy has against them so it cannot be used against them. Surround those who are struggling with understanding or fear with love. Give them grains of knowledge and drive for learning. Dissolve lies they accept as truth, and guide them through any distorting feelings or thoughts as they move through the steps of unlearning previously held beliefs. Help them through the feelings of shock, disbelief, and anger. Give them the understanding and compassion for those not yet taking the steps to unlearn years of life lessons.
Surround them with those who are able to assist them through relearning, and turn away those who keep them unenlightened.
Lord, guide us all to be helpful, positive examples, and fill us with peace.
In the holy name of Jesus, I ask this be done.