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you don't give up okay? i'm proud of you being able to get to | beyes

you don't give up okay? i'm proud of you being able to get to this point, i know you must be really tired, it's okay.It's normal to be tired, it's a sign that you've been trying hard all this time.
It,s okay not to be okay, tidak apa-apa jika kamu membiarkan air mata mu keluar dan menangis, but aku harap kamu tau segalanya dan akan jadi lebih baik okay? Don't lose hope.waktu bisa sangat sulit akhir-akhir ini, i hope you're okay and taking care of yourself.
you're still standing, you're so so strong, and you're amazing you're doing your absolute best! you might not feel it right now, but you are so so soo important even if you fall back for a little bit you're still trying your best every day, and that's enough that's already amazing! you're still going, and you're still so strong, don't give up and never quit.