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New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) is call | NZDSOS

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) is calling for transparency and accountability around pharmaceutical companies influencing and funding national medical regulatory bodies.

The response to our recent Official Information Act (OIA) request has revealed that Medsafe received a staggering percentage of its funding from large pharmaceutical companies - 84.05% in the year 2022/2023.

Medsafe, which oversees the approval of medications, confirms its commitment to 'big pharma', noting on it's website, it is "also accountable to the pharmaceutical industry for those activities which are funded by fees collected from the [pharmaceutical] industry”, where it receives millions of dollars each year from ‘big pharma’ companies.

When ‘big pharma’ is involved in trials as well as funding the regulator (who should be examining the evidence critically and without bias), there is concerning potential for the benefits of drugs and other interventions to be exaggerated and for real people to suffer, without anyone held to account.

NZDSOS once again, calls for an immediate halt to the mRNA injection rollout, pending a full investigation and calls for true transparency and accountability from our national medical regulatory body, Medsafe, regarding conflicts of interest between funding agencies and drug approvals.

You can hear what our team has to say in an RCR interview here.