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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Foreign youth with a sharp gaze. His face's | On rest — Ewiger Schatten.

Foreign youth with a sharp gaze. His face's also charming, with a burly body. The man in the suit is very elegant. He, Jove. The man who owns a fancy restaurant. He's very rich but he often feels like he doesn't fit in with anyone when he interacts. Until finally he saw a young man his age who was sitting enjoying his dinner. He approached the young man and invited him to interact. Whether it was the magic of youth aura or Jove himself, he felt comfortable interacting with him. He felt appreciated and made a warm welcome stranger even though at first the young man was very indifferent.

Night's getting late. The young man just gave Jove a business card and left without answering Jove's question asking where he was in a hurry. When the man left, Jove looked at his card and found the man's phone number. He smiled briefly as he shook his head. "Strange, too cool to be friends." He said as he adjusted his coat and hurried away from where he was before.