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𔘓 The universe is shrouded in light, it feels so bright, amaze | HIRING ADMIN STORE BA ; OPEN FW

𔘓 The universe is shrouded in light, it feels so bright, amazed and beautiful, the light that illuminates the trail in the sky. Accompanied by the stars looks really beautiful and attractive. The clear moonlight made the dark night feel warmer and reassuring. But the night would be lonely without the nyctophile. Therefore @TheAstrophiIe opens the gate for the first time for those of you who want to be a complement to this most beautiful place. Let's see what is needed here

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ִֶָ 𔘓 Have you found a position that suits your abilities? Make sure you read the rules below carefully ::

01. Wajib subs @TheAstrophiIe, akan di check
02. Wajib sebar list ke 15 lpm dan @hirminstoreba (jgn lupa ss)
03. Menggunakan akun CA/BA/PA 𝗯𝘂𝗸𝗮𝗻 RP
04. Tidak terlibat dalam kasus penipuan dan tidak ada niatan untuk menipu
05. Bersedia bertanggung jawab saat melakukan kesalahan
06. Dapat menjaga nama baik store
dan mengikuti semua aturan yang ada di @TheAstrophiIe
07. Niat bukan hanya sekedar minat
08. Bersedia dimintai jaminan RL
09. Dapat berbaur dan mampu bekerja sama antar tim
10. Bisa membagi waktu antara RL dan BA

Sudah memenuhi rules? kirim format dibawah ini ke @HirminAstro_bot


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