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ִ𝆬⊹ A very sunny day with a gentle breeze and the sun shinin | HIRING ADMIN STORE BA ; OPEN FW

ִ𝆬⊹ A very sunny day with a gentle breeze and the sun shining brightly. Flying birds adorn the sky, blooming flowers, and the beautiful singing voices of animals also add to the beauty and comfort of the heavens of the 𝒢od. However, heaven seems very quiet because of the lack of complements, namely the 𝒢ods and 𝒢oddesses that are in it. therefore @ttheodoros opens the gates for you, future 𝒢ods and 𝒢oddesses 𝐓𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗼𝘀 to register as a complement in this most beautiful place. let's see what we are looking for now

⊹ 𖥻𝆬  𝐋ayanan 𝐓elegram
               𖥦 upsubs reguler & ma.
               𖥦 big upsubs reguler & ma.
               𖥦 akun lpm sfs/biasa/base
⊹ 𖥻𝆬  𝐋ayanan 𝐌edsos.
               𖥦 instagram needs.
               𖥦 tiktok needs.
               𖥦 twitter needs.
               𖥦 shopee needs.
               𖥦 spotify needs.
⊹ 𖥻𝆬   𝐒chool 𝐍eeds.
               𖥦 joki tugas.
               𖥦 jasa tulis.
               𖥦 jasa ketik.
⊹ 𖥻𝆬   𝐏roffneeds.
               𖥦 moodboard.
               𖥦 moodsgram.
               𖥦 scribble.
               𖥦 set up ba.
               𖥦 wording.
               𖥦 temp qr.
               𖥦 fmv.
               𖥦 sq needs.
               𖥦 yearbook
               𖥦 manips.
               𖥦 set up instagram.
               𖥦 watermark.
⊹ 𖥻𝆬   𝐋ayanan 𝐋ainnya.
               𖥦 apk premium.
               𖥦 jaseb list biasa.
               𖥦 jaseb bot sfs ma/reg.
               𖥦 pulsa.
               𖥦 coin line.
               𖥦 convert.
               𖥦 rekber.
               𖥦 jasa pasang preset.
               𖥦 jasa isi board/sc/ngl.
               𖥦 top up game.

Have you found a position that suits your intelligence? make sure you read this precious rules below

O1. wajib subs @ttheodoros, akan di check.
O2. wajib menyebar list ke 10 lpm @listlpm dan @hirminstoreba.
O3. bisa berbaur dengan admin lain nya.
O4.  menggunakan account CA/PA/BA bukan roleplayer / acc clone / mata mata
O5. tidak terlibat dalam kasus penipuan dan tidak ada niat untuk menipu.
O6. bersedia bertanggung jawab saat melakukan kesalahan
O7. dapat menjaga nama baik store.
O8. siap mengikuti aturan dan menjalankan trainee dengan baik dan benar
O9. niat bukan hanya sekedar minat saja.

ㅤㅤnama + usn :
ㅤㅤdivisi (max 5) :
ㅤㅤsiap wwc atau tidak : ya/tidak
ㅤㅤsudah subs @ttheodoros?

kirim format && bukti sebar kamu ke @hirminttheodorosBot.