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Himpunan Nota-Nota STPM

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Logo saluran telegram himpunan_nota_stpm_senior_cikgu — Himpunan Nota-Nota STPM
Kategori: Pendidikan
Bahasa: Bahasa Indonesia
Pelanggan: 27.26K
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Koleksi nota2 senior aliran kemanusian😊. Bantulah sesiapa yg mmerlukn kita & prmudahkn ursn manusia. Nescaya 1 hari nnt bila giliran kita pula mghadapi kesukaran, akn hdr seorang utk bantu kita😉. Janji Allah itu pasti. Grp rasmi semua sbjk @SembangSTPM

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Pesan-pesan terbaru 9

2022-07-31 13:09:07 TIPS STPM

Tips Belajar Paling Berkesan


Group Rasmi Student @SembangSTPM (Mix Subject and Sem)

Group Batch 03 & 04 @FORM6BATCH01 (Lower Six)

Group Rasmi Muet @OhMyMuet

Channel Muet @OhMyMuetChannel

Link Channel Pa @PengajianAm900CNM

Channel Rasmi @himpunan_nota_stpm_senior_cikgu

Sec Channel @himpunan_nota_stpm_ke2

20.0K viewsArendra, edited  10:09
Buka / Bagaimana

Sediakan Peralatan Dan Mindset Yang Positif Untuk Terus Berjuang Majukan Diri.

Serahkan segala urusan kita kepada Sang Pencipta.

Semoga dipermudahkan dan terus cemerlang dalam pendidikan.

*** Mohon jasa baik share link ini kepada kawan atau kenalan yang baru masuk form 6 link

Admin Mohd Nazren Bin Saparudin

23.3K viewsMohd Nazren Saparudin, edited  15:33
Buka / Bagaimana
2022-06-11 12:34:54 Kdg² ia amat menyakitkan akan tetapi hati yg remuk harus bertahan.. tetap saja berdiri biarpun sudah cukup hancur kerana masih ada helaan nafas...


Quotes @ByHambaAllah
26.5K views<~√!w∆ /<£p€π∆+@π~>, 09:34
Buka / Bagaimana
2022-06-11 12:23:08 Baca betul² apa yg sy tulis ini.. adik² jgn give up even dlm otak tu cukup berselirat.. if adik rasa alone, tkda yg fham, saya ada sini adik.. adik bukan fight benda ni alone.. okey? Senyum la sikit jgn masam sgt muka apa yg jadi adik kena lapangkan dada.. pejamkan mata, buat bodoh.. igt pesan sy sblm ni.. ada masanya kena jd org cacat sikit ya.. buat² pekak, buat² buta jer ok, yg dh lpas tu biarkan lepas. Fokus next exam, saya percaya adik² semua boleh buat yang terbaik
30.4K views<~√!w∆ /<£p€π∆+@π~>, edited  09:23
Buka / Bagaimana

To be honest, nobody is perfect.. just we don't see the things hiding in the dark side. Hhmmm well said, there's always the guy who doesn't share his emotions to people and little girl who overthinking for everything.. sad but it's true

Lemme tell a secret, that girl who's smiling brightly over there.. she's been suffering in silence cause she wasn't being heard. Everytime she tries to speak up, nobody willings to listen her. Sometimes, she chooses to be silent cause her mind keep shouting "shut up you're fucking idiot " or her mind telling that don't make people feel like "you just seeking attention"

Syuttt be careful, there are monsters hiding inside her they keep talking too much and loud!! They said to her; "do you think you still a great girl?" Sometimes point out "you can't even do a simple thing right, useless!" They also questioning why she didn't get screwed up and what is the point of her existences You know what.. the most painful was "you're totally a piece of trash," and she doesn't realize that her subconscious mind humbly agree with "Yes, I'm a piece of trash.. I should go and die!"

She still wanna lives no matter how hard they urge her to give up. Therefore, she might wants to give up when things pressure up her.. but she doesn't because the fiercely dragon in her heart that pushes her to awake and keep going. Thus, you can see her standing braves and smiling but she is crying inside.

Hey, do you see that lonely boy even his friends around him? Haha nope, he is not a quite person.. somehow his mind too crowded not only girls tho. Nobody cares about his random thoughts and sadness until it turn into anger then everyone see him as rebellion kid plus terrible villain.

Look like he is chilling but the fire burning in his heart has no sign to vanish. A man must strong and can't cry.. he had enough with this bullshit. Now, he just wanna continue his life freely.. however both his legs locked up by old folks and netizen stereotypes.. sad but it's true

People won't notices these, sleepless night, early morning fight, hopeless feeling, fear, the failures, late nights self doubt, risks taken, obstacles, anxiety, depression, brains on war with heart, mental struggling and so on. Chill, the small process that you think no one noticed it, I can see you.. your struggling is very valid, keep fighting, don't give up plus never surrender in the middle. Listen up, you're fine my dear and you do such a great work.. of course I'm so proud of you

How are you today? Feel lonely? Depressed? Having bad days lately? Please don't be sad and never give up okey . The journey still long and believe in yourself that you can through it. Felt tired? Then just take a deep breath and relax for awhile before continue fighting catch up your dreams. No one loves? Well, you still have me right? Here's a rose for you

With full of love, Admin Hood

P/ S : If you wanna share or say something to me feel free to dm my bot.. the detail in channel info. Just type directly anything and please.. please wait patiently. To be honest, I might take time to give respond because sometimes I'm too busy working and spending holidays with my beloved family or got sick thus not open my bot for a long time. But when I've time, I'll open my bot to reply all your chats.

To be continued


Quotes @ByHambaAllah
19.1K views<~√!w∆ /<£p€π∆+@π~>, 09:21
Buka / Bagaimana
2022-06-11 12:21:20 PART 3 : TENTANG DIA, SOMETHING TO TELL

Dia jga ingin sprt org lain, tapi syg insecure melambung tinggi. The inferior feelings with people around us.. tetap ada tanpa kenal jantina so laki pun hadoo gak.

Kau tgok member kau like gempak gaji asyuk bhaii kerja bagus then yg student tu study well but kau? Apa jer yg ada? Benda ni buat kau down sometimes right? Chill bruhh aku fham semuanya

Dgar lah ckp aku, kdg² kehidupan bersikap kejam dgn kau but ia mendewasakan kau.. mungkin kau tk sedar but trust me, sikit demi sikit kau bljr jd matang.. slowly kau berubah lebih baik walaupun org tk nmpk, I see your changes

Lek arh bhaii, kau laki kot tkkn nangis? HAHAHA aku ketawa...(nyanyi sikit lagu Hael Husaini ). Hmm simple but ayat ni ibarat sembilu, durinya halus menusuk kalbu. I gotcha, kau nk nangis or OVERTHINKING silakan doh. Tkda kaitan dgn jantina kau as LELAKI. Kau bukan robot siakkkk, as HUMAN BEING so NORMAL for a BOY/ MAN FELT LOW Aku tau kau fkiran tgh serabut.. sometimes, you're crying at the middle of night or while being ALONE.. very tired aff

Kau nangis bkan sbb kau lemah, kau overthinking bkan sbb kau penakut.. tapi rasa syg kau yg membataskan segalanya. Kau nangis or overthinking atas reason kau risau kau jdi beban keluarga dan menyusahkan dorg. Paling kau takut actually, kau maybe KECEWAKAN FAMILY.. am I right?

Kuat mana berdiri pun sorg lelaki limit dia keluarganya, gugur air mata jantan dia sbb org yg dia betul² syg like nyawa sndr. Kau tak salah derr, sumpah bukan salah kau. Aku jrg nk talk pnjg lebar sbb tak guna pun, kdg hati kau boleh panas.. just STOP ckp diri kau bodoh bangang, kau bkn bacul.

Org kata lelaki tkda depression or anxiety but dorg salah, sakit tak kenal kau siapa boy or girl.. tua or muda. Mulut org bkn mcm mulut tempayan boleh ditutup, kau tak minta pun ada tuh. Kau tk perlu explain kat semua org, aku cukup memahami part itu. Jgn risau kau ada aku disini, I'm always support you even we are not blood related.. just one thing for sure, our BROTHERHOOD never fall a part.

Ok, kau yg kat situ ada mslh tmpt kerja ke? Kau ada mslh apa sbnrnya cuba kau citer kat aku full.. klau boleh tlg, aku cuba sehabis baik. Klau tkda prob then mende? Stress ke? Abis kau lak yg tgh study kat sana tuh asal, byk sgt asgmnt ke? Tkpa, buat pelan² kau boleh punya jgn la down. Hidup kena chill bruh even pahit . Kdg² ada masa kau perlu rempuh masuk je tk payah pening kepala fikir pnjg. Bila kau byk fikir mulalah kau jd overthinking.

Kau kan ada aku, kita kan member bruh. Sekarang kau dgar baik² ni janji aku! Aku tkkn tinggalkan kau sorg² kecuali kau yg tetiba hilang dari radar. Or dh smpai masanya.. nyawa aku dh terlepas daripada jasad yes aku tk boleh lg teman and tlg kau, kita tk tahu future mcm mana so aku say sorry awal² lah. But selagi hayat masih ada, nadi kekal berdenyut.. aku akan selalu ada utk kwan² aku. Lpas ni if ada prob jgn pendam and serabut sorg² tau, dm je aku punya personal acc or bot aku just kdg aku lmbt sikit reply busy hehe

P/S : Sy ada benda nk citer, nk minta pendapat or nasihat but sy hnya member biasa channel, bkn bestfriend or students admin Hood, boleh?

Me : Tkda hal bro, chill no need to be formal or polite.. tk payah nk Sir² bagai lah. Anggap aku senior atas kau dah la. Aku tk kisah kau boy or girl.. klau perlukan someone to talk, cari je aku but nk ckp awal² kena sabar sikit aku jenis lmbt reply, busy kerja. Klau sanggup tunggu pm je anytime, jenis tk sabar jgn gatal tgn pm bot aku plus klau dh tekan start tu tulis jelah apa dia nk ckp jgn tunggu aku say hye² dulu takot aku tak on² bot je .

To be continued


Quotes @ByHambaAllah
12.8K views<~√!w∆ /<£p€π∆+@π~>, 09:21
Buka / Bagaimana
2022-06-11 12:21:09 PART 2 : TENTANG DIA, SOMETHING TO TELL

Dia si gadis yg acapkali kelihatan cantik tersenyum... Manakala hujung sana ada sang teruna kacak bergaya...

Mereka berdua sama saja, mempunya jiwa raga yg ibarat hanya retak menanti belah.

Terlihat kuat gagah pada pandangan mata kasar, namun batin didalamnya terdapat angin ribut puting beliung juga gelora ombak menjulang tinggi..

Seringkali raut wajah dan perwatakan disalah tafsirkan sebagai manusia ego melangit.. benar tidak adil tapi itulah tanggapan yg tergambar padanya. Walhal sebenarnya dia baik, berjiwa lembut seperti kapas gebu

Hiding behind masks everyday until no one know which one the true face of them. Still keep going the game, show how brave they're to cruel world, amazing right? The heart might shaking but not their steps.

Just look at them carefully, don't you ever dare to blink... Look, even there's piece of glass scattered on floor that they must step on but they never surrender.

He was a happy young boy but then broken along the way that world couldn't notices him.. He changes a bit from usual and people assume as normal situation to be a matured man. Hahaha look like funny path ways for people around but hurt so damn hell for him.

Therefore, he always being taught as a man, he can't cry out the things... The rough assumption "You must be a strong man not a cry baby boy" hit him so badly.

We never realize that poor boy locked in a huge barbed wire cage since a child. World slowly turn him to be a emotionless soldier from out look but deep inside the inner child trembling and screaming for help. However, no way out he can find.

Hey you! Please say HELLO to a little girl standing alone by the roadside. A cheerful girl and look like beautiful baby angel she is but hmmmm just a fake hope haha.... Yes, she was an angel back then but now she being a badass devil that is what people see in herself. Only she knows the best nature colour of her.

Her appearances could be such a barbarian but definitely nope! Actually a tissue is the definition suit her the most because her heart so soft and easily to tear off.... She tend to save up all feelings to herself like a tissue absorb the water and absolutely leak out when we pick up due to over pouring.

Although she is kind and lovely one but people keep take advantages of her... sad but true story. She can't say no to people because of guilty feeling that she was be trained by herself as put people happiness first to gaining the approval. If she doesn't do that way her exists might be eliminated among her surrounding. Not her fault, just a lonely poor girl.. she wants acceptance tho!

Will be continued

10.3K views<~√!w∆ /<£p€π∆+@π~>, 09:21
Buka / Bagaimana
2022-06-11 12:20:59 TENTANG DIA, SOMETHING TO TELL

Tidak, bkan dia tak sudi tapi cara dia diperlakukan, don't do this, no no don't do that my dear ... Hatta cara bercakap atau butir bicara juga disusunkan. You should be behave and there you go! Dari atas hingga hujung kaki semuanya diperhatikan dan dibetulkan sehingga dia tidak lg tahu sndr apa yg sepatutnya... The small world around, keep them locked in such a big and dazzling cage. Haha dia masih manusia tapi terlatih utk menjadi patung terletak elok... Sad but facts and you can't put a blame on them bcoz it's the way they were brought up tho . Sometimes, it becomes a part of them and hard to let go. Jadi jgn kau paksa org sebegini menurut rentak tarimu, kerna tanpa kau sedar.. kau cuba mengubah landskap asalnya lalu menyakitinya. Nope, they're not being childish around you by asking how to do or what should do, despite of it they might can't do anything right at the first place.. just their inner child is trembling. Bila jmp kawan jenis ni bkan brmaksud dia manja terlajak or dpat partner mcm ni kau kena bykkn sabar.. be patient with them bcoz there're scars maybe you see it but deep wounds still bleeding no where to be found. Hnya hati yg benar² ikhlas menerima boleh memahami dgn pandangan mata batin.

To be continued


Quotes @ByHambaAllah
10.0K views<~√!w∆ /<£p€π∆+@π~>, 09:20
Buka / Bagaimana
2022-06-11 12:18:25 Hye, sy nk share something.. ada 4 part for now adik² baca dulu, maybe benda ni yg adik² tgh rasa saat ini.. sikit sebanyak ganggu adik punya fikiran nk study sbb ada yg prnh pm sy lately.. luah benda ni so nnt ada masa sy tulis khas booster adik punya spirit utk fight exam
12.5K views<~√!w∆ /<£p€π∆+@π~>, edited  09:18
Buka / Bagaimana
2022-06-03 09:49:08 TIPS STPM

Tips Mengulang STPM


Group Rasmi Student @SembangSTPM (Mix Subject and Sem)

Group Batch 03 & 04 @FORM6BATCH01 (Lower Six)

Group Rasmi Muet @OhMyMuet

Channel Muet @OhMyMuetChannel

Link Channel Pa @PengajianAm900CNM

Channel Rasmi @himpunan_nota_stpm_senior_cikgu

Sec Channel @himpunan_nota_stpm_ke2

15.2K viewsArendra, edited  06:49
Buka / Bagaimana