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5. RK Anyone who is aware/ abreast of the UN Agendas .. Far | ✨ 🪐 ⚡



Anyone who is aware/ abreast of the UN Agendas .. Farming, Livestock, etc etc ie

Frameworks under Development & being pushed by UN on Govts globally..

These are comprehensive Control Agendas, that start with enumeration, estimation, stock number, maintaining a country wise & global inventory of all living things, resources etc etc..

And putting in place a complete global control system, controlled by these Agencies..

Dictating to national Govts. That's the Goal.

This exercise, is IMO, is ultimately linked to these underlying requirements that this Govt has to / is required to comply with / put into place, enabling legislation.. to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Of which, this is just one small subset..

The Cageyness & brevity of this Bill,.. itself points to this

No Explanation, No Background, no rationale to link up this objective - or to anything,

This is a Govt Exercise in cover up & their usual creeping, stealth agenda. To comply with these UN requirements.IMO

Politically it can be a hot potato, when & if linked. And exposed.

That is WHY is so terse, and makes no sense.. except when seem in the light of the above.

Granted Australia NZ et al ..have since long had paranoid & draconian laws re control & import & export of livestock & plant species..

But that is old history.

This is ..The current deadlines - that are of the UN.

And are babus & politicians do not want to stick their necks out, at this stage. Election year next year.. And Karnataka recent political result, creates its own tensions & paranoia..

So, do not expect anything explicit. Which goes into Tying into UN SD Agendas. 2021, 2030.

With BRICS making its own tracks, & hopes - *expect a lot of contrary signals & Lots of obfuscation* .

Just like DEMO, Covid - PCR RT etc & the Farm Bills .. the globalist Control Agenda.. is TOTAL control.

The present Govt/s - are in bed with these forces.

Till they find it is politically expedient - to have to jump ship, change boats.. etc..

That's all part of the Long / Big Picture..

And back story.

*_Politics in a time of uncertainty_*