Get Mystery Box with random crypto!

ㅤㅤ RAPLINE is OPEN MEMBER now, if you interested let's | BIDAN VIESTA

RAPLINE is OPEN MEMBER now, if you interested let's join with us, check the rules to join !

𝐈. subs our channel

𝐈𝐈. read this rules

𝐈𝐈𝐈. and don't forget to use the
attributes !

𝐈𝐕. spread this poster to 6
LPMs you have and your
personal channel. this is
reference @LISTLPM if
you don't have LPM. (no
screenshot but honest)

if you done do all the rules send "@.username mau ikutan ngerusuh base dong" to @ofcraplinebot, see you on base !