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We want to announce that we're starting work on a new service | Z-Library Official 📚

We want to announce that we're starting work on a new service for exchanging paperback books between users. Books you have read should not gather dust on your shelf – instead, they can get a second life in the hands of new readers! This helps to preserve the literary heritage and spread the knowledge and ideas contained in books to more people.
But how can we make the process of exchanging books between users from around the world as simple, safe, and efficient as possible? To solve this problem, we want to organize "Z-Points" – collection and storage points for books that will be the link between those who share their books and those who need them. Book owners who are willing to share them with other users can send books to the nearest Z-Point in their region. And those who need books stored in these points will be able to receive them for their use.

What is a "Z-Point" and what functions does it perform?

Receiving books sent by contributors through postal delivery
Keeping records of the books received. We will make this process as simple as possible – it will be enough to simply upload a photo of each received book or scan its bar code (ISBN code)
Long-term storage of received books (some books may not be in demand for years, and that's okay)
Sending books to those who requested them

Our goal is to organize dozens of "Z-Points" around the world, and we need your help to do this. If you are ready to perform the functions of a "Z-Point" or know how to organize their work, please contact us. What are we looking for?

Public or university libraries that can perform the functions of a "Z-Point"
Services (fulfillment, 3PL, etc.) that can take on the work of receiving, sorting, and sending books
People who are ready to personally organize or carry out the activities of a "Z-Point"

Can you help or have any ideas? Write to us at with the subject line "Z-Point".