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Here is my lab procedure for anyone curious! Was just made awa | Saint Nicholas

Here is my lab procedure for anyone curious! Was just made aware it was probably difficult to understand my video. I would love for any scientific mind to check my logic here.

The idea:

I have an input battery which connected to my input voltmeter. I have an additional voltmeter connected to my output battery, the battery that’s getting charged. I recorded my initial voltages on both of these batteries and labeled them in my chart in the photo above.

I ran my device for 34 mins. I then recorded my voltages on both voltmeters again. You will notice that I lost .12 volts on my input battery, and gained .83 volts on my output battery being charged. These are my delta voltage, or changes in voltage from before and after I ran it.

I am using battery capacity * my delta voltage to calculate watt hours for both batteries respectively. Multiplying watt-hours by 3600 gives me watt-seconds, or Joules.

According to my calculations I lost 3,110.4 Joules of input charge and gained 15,480 Joules of output charge.