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For those wondering how the Bedini Device works, it’s harnessi | Saint Nicholas

For those wondering how the Bedini Device works, it’s harnessing back EMF, I call it longitudinal voltage spikes. When connecting and disconnecting a circuit, a massive transient is created.

Modern electrical engineering acknowledges these voltage spikes, however, they are considered a nuisance that must be eliminated since they ‘will damage equipment.’

The Bedini device says no, we are going to use these voltage spikes and funnel them into the battery for extra energy.

I can attest this device is gold. I have been using a battery to power the device I previously have shown in this chat, and it has been powering a load for the past 24 hours. My 12 volt battery is now at 11 volts. This defies the law of conservation of energy. I reckon this will power for at least a week before my battery dies, probably more.

To be clear, this is not an alternative fuel-less device. It will not power the world, or even a house. The purpose of this device is to demonstrate a principle within the conservation of energy. It is showing a new way to transfer/conserve electrical energy. This concept will revolutionize the battery industry. I see a lot of practical uses in electric vehicles.