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We all have the same 24 hours in a day. 8 hours sleep. Majo | OneClick_Official

We all have the same 24 hours in a day.

8 hours sleep.
Majority work a 9 - 5 job = 8 hours.
Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner = 2 hours.
1 hour to get ready.
1 hour for family time.
Total = 20 hours.

That leaves 4 hours remaining….

We can’t spend these 4 hours with Netflix, Instagram, complaining, spending time with other lives rather than your own and certainly not making excuses.

No matter how much time you have left - take advantage of EACH and EVERY minute to bring you closer to your dreams.

Some may have more time than others, but the reality is not about how much time you have left to hustle, but the WAY you hustle.

Give all you take on the time you have left and the abundance is already into motion to be delivered to you!

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