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Logo saluran telegram dropshiptitans — CLUB ORANG KAYA- kongsi ilmu kongsi rezeki.
Alamat saluran: @dropshiptitans
Kategori: Pemasaran
Bahasa: Bahasa Indonesia
Pelanggan: 4
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Welcome to Caprice's personal business network. Join this channel if you want to learn from the best in business, life, and spiritual. Kongsi ilmu, kongsi rezeki #buatduitbanturakyat

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Pesan-pesan terbaru 7

2023-05-27 17:26:12
Season 1 Flavors- Nustix closed pods launching in June!

Sape nak try?

Im giving FREEE samples for you to try for the next 14 days!

Theres a few a secret flavors cap tak announce lagi ;)

- Nustix
The smarter choice.
29.8K views14:26
Buka / Bagaimana
2023-05-25 19:18:19
Movie night bersama keluarga dari pasukan PDRM, Bomba, Askar, Navy, SPRM, AADK, KKM, nurses, DBKL.

Thank you for joining!

Next one korang nak cap belanje movie ape?

Vote in the next post
25.6K viewsedited  16:18
Buka / Bagaimana
2023-05-25 16:37:53

Cari cap area main fountain Pavillion Bukit Bintang 10:15pm

Im otwwwwwww.

so sorry baru settle kerja!

- Top C
22.1K views13:37
Buka / Bagaimana
2023-05-20 17:40:07
My ROG Laptop Giveaway! Standby... im probably going to do the biggest giveaway bulan depan (June) to celebrate the launch of Nustix.

We have been working hard for the past 12 months of how to get back into the industry that is about to be regulated and taxed.

Finally having cukai is a very smart move by Malaysia Madani sebab this industry is worth over RM2 billion and growing fast.

Having cukai in a fast growing industry is great for our economy.

Dah lah ekonomi kita tak berape stabil and people need new ways to tambah income.

And even better news for consumers since products will finally be regulated.

InsyaAllah Nustix has a few unique strategies to gegar this market once again.

We did it with BAL.

We did it again last year with Vapengin, Capbar, King X.

And we will do it again with some innovation bersama Nustix- the smarter choice.

See you soon! And... vote in the next poll what else you want me to include in our biggest giveaway bulan depan!
2.6K views14:40
Buka / Bagaimana
2023-05-20 17:20:09
And the winners of our daily giveaway 009... topi Caprice... are....

Congrats, and stay tuned for more giveaways! InsyaAllah.

2.6K views14:20
Buka / Bagaimana
2023-05-20 09:20:08
Isu Semasa

Ramai dm cap of another kes buli kat sekolah.

Isu buli ni memang dari zaman mak bapak kita ade lagi. Cuma sekarang dgn social media, Alhamdulillah cepat viral dgn bukti.

Cuma the question we must ask ourselves is.... what are we doing about it?

Ape punca culture macam ni wujud kat sekolah?

Macam mana nak selesai kan?

We as adults, abang2, kakak2 or mak / bapak must all play a more pro-active role in shaping our youth.

Just because we have all "been there"... "done that"... doesnt mean we should allow for toxic culture to repeat itself.

We need to find a way to move forward.

Kalau korang tanya cap, dari dulu lagi kita cuba lawan for a 360 OVERHAUL of schools in Malaysia.

Kalau tiap tahun ade handphone baru dgn features baru... agak2 bila kita nak innovate and improve our schools?

- Top C
5.6K views06:20
Buka / Bagaimana
2023-05-20 05:52:03
Announcing the 3 winners of my caps tonight 10pm!

Sorry guys, last night cap sampai rumah 2am.

Its been a rough week tengah test, baiki, dan plan untuk launch Nustix.

Industry vape dekat Malaysia alone is worth over RM2billion a year.

Kita nak gegar dia lagi sekali tahun ni dengan technologi baru dan peluang income baru.

Anyways, ill start showing the process cara cap susun business daily starting minggu depan here in telegram.

See you soon! Dan jgn lupa check malam ni 10pm sape menang topi cap
5.5K views02:52
Buka / Bagaimana
2023-05-18 17:09:52
May 18th 2023- Giveaway 009... is.... Topi2 caprice!

Cara nak menang senang je!

whatsapp admin

Sekarang dan:

1. Screenshot your IG profile

2. Comment "saya nak bro"

3. Bagi:
Contact number

If you are randomly selected to WIN, Caprice akan post your IG profile and tag you malam esok by 10:30pm! Items will be delivered within 2-3 days.

Good luck!

P.S- if you are new to this page dan nak tahu cara kita pilih the winner, scroll up ;)
6.2K views14:09
Buka / Bagaimana
2023-05-16 19:43:04

Buang semua orang toxic yang sekeliling kita starting esok.

Cara nak detect orang toxic:

1. Dia always negative. Hari2 complain. Complain pasal kerja. Complain pasal life. Complain pasal rumah tangga. Complain pasal boss. Complain pasal makanan. Complain pasal duit.

2. Semua bende / idea you bagi dia selalu put down.

3. Dia selalu gossip pasal member lain.

4. Dia selalu ungkit.

5. Dia selalu pandang rendah dekat orang lain.

If you have people like this, stop hanging out with then. Stop being around them.


You want to be around people who:

1. Love to share ideas.

2. Love to talk about knowledge.

3. Motivate you.

4. Push you to work harder.

5. Push you to become better.

6. Suka cari duit.

7. Tells you the truth all the time even if the truth hurts.

These are the types of people you need to surround yourself with.

Nak kaya, cari orang kaya yang suka kongsi ilmu.

Nak miskin, cari orang "otak miskin" yang tak nak ubah hidup.

- Top C
4.2K views16:43
Buka / Bagaimana
2023-05-16 06:14:40
Issue Semasa

Macam2 kes sekarang. Ni ramai dari golongan wanita / isteri2 yang cuba report acc tiktok tersebut dari bulan march. Tapi xde ape2 tindakan.

Alhamdulillah selepas a few people DM kita dan minta tolong... kita pun jenis yang direct je.. so kita post video + tag menteri agama.

Alhamdulillah menteri agama kita sekarang laju ambil tindakan + respond.


Bila dengar bukti2... memang seram. Kita tak faham macam mana lelaki sanggup nak belajar ambik ilmu macam ni.

Hang tu jantan. Kalau tak reti guna bang bang, baik sunat lagi sekali je bro.

- Top C
14.8K views03:14
Buka / Bagaimana